
Thanks for the info.


It Would really help if the info on the website and the message board and the forum could be instantly translated. I have ti keep on copying and pasting them onto google translate, and half of it doesn't make sense!
Thanks for reading,

see. shoot. kill. walk off.


Would there be a way that net nanny doesn't stop you from playing by freezing the screen after 2 minutes? It says:
'you are blocked from using peer to peer'
sorry if this is already possible and I just haven't found out yet.



Would we be able to make it so that your messages and the descriptions are in English. Google Chrome doesn't translate them.
Cheers, Killstreak589

Maybe we could have a visible forcefield for the 3 seconds when u respawn. it may require a bit of code, but i think it'll be worth it.
Also, I think that the flame thrower seems like a brill idea. for the tech, I don't think they should have an electricity shooter as the equivilet because the MPG already does that. maybe we could have a vortex blaster (it could shoot rings of blue smoke) instead.
Sorry if these are either too childish or just not possible.
Howerver, i still think that a vortex blaster would be pretty cool.
cheers, killstreak589

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